publié 28 février 2025 par
Rogelio Zaraboso
🌴🌞😎 Cayo Levisa is located on a small cay at off the northern coast of Pinar del Río province, is surrounded by crystal clear waters which reveal an amazing seabed. 🌞😎

🌴🌞😎 There is a diving center with a specialized boat and equipment for scuba diving.You can make a tour around the coral reef to enjoy the fish and coral diversity found only three meters deep. 🌞😎

🌴🌞😎 It takes about thirty minutes in safe yachts to reach this islet, blessed with 3 Km. of excellent beach and with 23 defined sites for SCUBA Diving. Only 3 miles away, you can visit Cayo Paraiso (Paradise Key), named by no other that Ernest Hemingway himself, that made of this little key his personal hideaway through the decades of the 40s and 50s. 🌞😎

#Cuba 🌞😎 #CubaUnica #CubaTravel
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