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Restaurants in Varadero, Cuba

Cuban cuisine is known for its past and for the mixture it has had through the passage of African, European and aboriginal cultures. The combination of ingredients began when the Spaniards arrived on the island and made the first mixes of local ingredients with their more traditional foods. Likewise, many of the cooks influenced them because they were slaves, contributing their own seasoning by adding tubers to the recipes.

If you want a more native experience and taste the flavors of the region, it will be enough to go to the downtown area. Varadero There you will find places to eat that serve the original recipes, with specialties cooked with vegetables, rice and various types of meat.

Although in Varadero most are All Inclusive hotels, it will never hurt to visit the area hotel to meet some great restaurants. There are certain areas that bring together the most important and delicious, such as Josone Park with small and romantic establishments, or shopping centers such as Plaza América and Las Morlas, with good representatives of international cuisine.