Published on August 23, 2017 by
Rogelio Zaraboso
To enjoy Varadero in a different way
Josone Park contains the former home of José Fermín Iturrioz y Llaguno, once manager of the Arechavala Rum Distillery. With its natural beauty and refined architecture, the park has become a symbol of Varadero, a place reminiscent of a beautiful past that is now being restored.

The park covers an area of around nine hectares and is a veritable preserve of local flora and fauna, with a profusion of laurels, elder trees, silk-cotton trees and coconut palms. These trees and the park’s natural lakes are the home of doves, peacocks, ducks, quiquiritas and your special host: Pancho the macaw, the park’s mascot.
The park has several recreational offers for children and families. They include touring the park by train and riding electric three-wheeled carriages, flight simulation equipment and electric horses.

Other offers—for people of all ages—include pedal boats and boat rides.

Palmares invites you to visit this park, where the air is pure and where you will be sure to enjoy a memorable meal.